What’s the difference between a cyber-attack and a security breach?

What’s the difference between a cyber-attack and a security breach?

A cyber-attack is not the same thing as a security breach. A cyber-attack, as defined above, is an attempt to compromise a system's security. Attackers use several types of cyber-attacks, as described in the preceding section, to try to exploit the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a software or network. In contrast, a security breach is a successful event or incident in which cyber-attack results in the compromise of sensitive information, illegal access to IT systems, or service disruption.

Attackers continually attempt a wide range of cyber-attacks against their targets in the hope that one of them would result in a security breach. As a result, security breaches highlight another critical component of a comprehensive cyber security strategy: Business Continuity and Incident Response (BC-IR). BC-IR assists organizations in dealing with successful cyber-attacks. Business Continuity is concerned with keeping important business systems operational in the event of a security incident, whereas Incident Response is concerned with responding to a security breach and mitigating its impact, as well as supporting the recovery of IT and business systems.

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